Last Week


It's hard to believe the time has gone so quickly! Our last week is passing by faster than I'd like.

Monday the weather did not cooperate with our planned swimming time so we chose to enjoy a movie. Inside Out 2 was a great way to spend the rainy, chilly afternoon.

Tuesday we watched the Glockenspiel play. The whimsical characters danced after the clock struck 3.

Then we enjoyed a small walk to the Grazer Laundhaus. The inner courtyard has truly beautiful Italian Renaissance architecture. I'm not so sure all the students appreciated the grandeur. But they willingly posed for photos. 

We've spent the rest of this week preparing for the Abschiedsprogramm. This is our goodbye gift to our wonderful host families. I'll be sure to check their luggage before we leave to make sure no one tries to bring home a "new" sibling.  Lol! 
What do you think the students liked the most so far?
We leave tomorrow morning for a stop in Salzburg before heading to our hostel for the evening. 


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