New, new, new


The students have had many new experiences!

Monday afternoon we went up to the Uhrturm with the Schloßbergbahn. This is a train that takes you up the mountain so that you can explore the beautiful area. There beautiful views, flowers and bees, and new friends made. 

This is how we came down. We walked all of these stairs. I'm not sure who had the best time doing all the walking, but many smiles were had. The children enjoyed the exploring, but we weren't done yet!
After our wonderful tour, we walked through the city. As we walked, the students decided that one of them is a pirate! The birds all belong to the pirate and are his friends. Lol!
Then we arrived at our destination! 
Apple strudel with vanilla sauce! It was very tasty, and unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the strudel! However, as students awaited their host families, I managed to snap this picture of the children playing cards. 
The next day was a day to work on our goodbye program. This program we will work on several times as well as our scrapbook. 
Today, June 12, we visited the town hall.  We met with Julia, who works for the mayor. We also got to meet and learn about the city council and how to works from Anne. Can you figure out who the new person is in the picture?
After the tour and lots of information about the city, students explored the Folksfest that was happening at the square in front. Here students explored the importance of first, trees and the work that comes from forests. 
Greta caught the interest of someone as she and I explored part of the festival. I asked if I could take a picture. 
Students received a sack from the city of Graz, with gifts inside!
At city hall, students learned about the importance and way Austrians are recycling. 
Julia thought maybe our students could become part of the council and take over for a day. 😆
Finally I managed to snap a picture of city hall. 
Tomorrow we will play board games at a Cafe (I think). Board games for sure!
Friday is for the Armory. Look for the next update Friday (or Saturday if I fall asleep).


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