Home Sweet Home!

    Your children are some of the nicest and most well-behaved students I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. From dealing with all the walking tours (which were amazing!) to travel glitches (why didn't Google maps like Austria??) and to figuring things out as we went sometimes (4.00, 14.00, or 16.00?), your students kept their cool and kept it together. Their continued kindness and joy in learning made each mishap and adventure and future story to tell. 
    Under this update, you'll find a link to the Graz album which has pictures from several different students in it. This is where we sourced the albums pictures from. I do have some more to add as well. If your student would like to add them please let me know and I gladly will.
    My phone is still in Austria so the pictures I took the of the Goodbye program I cannot yet import. I'm working on that now. Hopefully, I'll feel better soon too!
    Many thanks again for your children!

Graz Sammelalbum


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