Mur Cleanup and COSA


Your children are the best! The enthusiasm for cleaning up along the river was amazing! Not only are they smiling here, but you'll see the smiles at the end. 

Acy finds all the nooks and crannies and makes sure the walking path is sauber. Oops! I mean clean. 

Here Josie and Makayla find the underside of a bench that needed a thorough cleaning. 

Who doesn't love to see Kaylee smile???
Sweet Josie and The Face.  😆
Elena took a moment to pose for the camera. 
Catching Charles unaware is tough, but it was managed. 
Here Giles and Acy attempt to blend into the surroundings so that everything is clean. 
Who couldn't adore this group? They even managed to pick up an Austrian student who helped along the way. Be the good. Do the good. 

COSA??? What could this be? It's the MOST hands-on science place I've ever been to! The students actually purposely stayed over an hour past time just to experience more. 

Here students went head to head...literally. Almost all the students took a turn mentally moving a ball with their minds. 

A smile was captured here. Jakob and Acy enjoyed learning more about plants. 
Never fear. Dr. Giles and Dr. Josie were on the case for several who needed some TLC.


Kaylee plays the theremin.

Greta learns the difficulties of seeing with goggles that distort your vision. 
Giley and Aces found that 2 is maybe not better than 1.

Makayla and Elena found what appears to be a robot friend. I didn't want to get to close as it did seem to be moving on is own. 
Smiles on our way out. 

Which one do you think the students liked more?


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