Upcycling and Kunsthaus

Students learned how to create faux leather bags from the inner tubes of truck tires- cutting, sewing and riveting was involved- fun was had and a LOT of new vocabulary was learned!

We've dubbed Josie with "The Face" for all pictures. She's always bubbly. Makayla's grin shows how much she enjoyed this activity. 

I'm pretty sure all the kids enjoyed using this tool. New skills!

Templates and concentration was needed to construct their items. 

The kids really seemed to enjoy this interaction. 

The Kunsthaus was a pretty cool looking building. The refer to it as "the friendly alien."

It was even neater from the inside. 

The art displayed was on the topic of labor and work. As an adult it was useful to reflect on the hours we spend not only on the stuff we get paid to do but the labor of living. It made for an unusual topic for most students who haven't worked a 40 hour or week job. 



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