Swimming and Finding


Here are all the students at the Augarten Swimming pool. You'll see Franziska in the background with her son. The pool was a lot of fun. 

Below are videos of several of the group joining the 5 meter club, jumping off the tallest diving platform. The pool is 12 feet deep. 

There are also other games, like sand volleyball and table tennis to play. There's some serious heat here so no one felt so inclined to play this day. 
Yesterday we went to the Burggarten and struggled to find the double staircase. So you'll see several photos of us walking trying to find the entrance.
Wandering more
The city's seed.  The idea is this is the center of when the city was founded. 
I'm sure the children enjoyed the view even if it was a bit of a hike up the spiraling staircase. Not just one but both sides spiral.
We made it!
More spaziergehen (walk around) while we looked for the double spiral staircase. 
Afterwards we realized we just walked around and around it and it was a small walk instead of our trek. Google maps do not work perfectly. And happiness was had by all. 


  1. Thanks for all the great pictures! I am curious what the kids are most surprised about in Austria.

    1. Many of the students mentioned the ability to go anywhere in the city with public transportation and walking. Others mention so many people wanting to speak English with them. Others were surprised by the Italian influence (Gelato everywhere) and others by how much the clothing and colors of clothes are similar to the US.
      Others love bread... like all the lovely kinds of bread. It's delicious and we wish you could taste it.... but first we need a bite. Lol!


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