Flute Test, Disc Golf and Vienna


Friday morning we awoke to another gorgeous day. We were offered the opportunity to go and observe a end of high school test for a guest family's daughter. We took off on the impromptu outing very early. We were welcomed by the host mother. She was very excited to see us all come. 
The music was beautiful and the kids enjoyed listening to the flute and piano accompaniment. 
Then we came back to class and worked. The teachers here are slave drivers and expect them to work, work, work...lol!

Finally it was time to do something fun! The group met with local students and played some disc golf. It was a new topic for most of the Austrian students, so many had a good time learning new techniques. Laughter was had by all. 

After Disc Golf several Austrian students wanted to talk more with the students and so we sat a bit while they chatted.
Saturday came bright and early and we met to get on the bus to Vienna. We were treated to a walking tour of Vienna were we learned many, many things about historical Vienna. We learned about Sisi (Elizabeth) and how so much of the city offices are located so closely together. 

Vienna is a city of very large streets and tall buildings. I don't think I was the only one who felt very, very tiny here. 
None of the students took the opportunity to time travel in Vienna. 😂😆 So all of the students who were supposed to return with us did. Some students stayed with their host families in Vienna. 

This week we have an upcycling class, a visit to the Art Museum, community engagement to clean up the river Mur, swimming and a visit to a hands-on science museum. Look for the next update on Tuesday afternoon. Tschau!



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