
Mur Cleanup and COSA

  Your children are the best! The enthusiasm for cleaning up along the river was amazing! Not only are they smiling here, but you'll see the smiles at the end.  Acy finds all the nooks and crannies and makes sure the walking path is sauber. Oops! I mean clean.  Here Josie and Makayla find the underside of a bench that needed a thorough cleaning.  Who doesn't love to see Kaylee smile??? Sweet Josie and The Face.  😆 Elena took a moment to pose for the camera.  Catching Charles unaware is tough, but it was managed.  Here Giles and Acy attempt to blend into the surroundings so that everything is clean.  Who couldn't adore this group? They even managed to pick up an Austrian student who helped along the way. Be the good. Do the good.  COSA??? What could this be? It's the MOST hands-on science place I've ever been to! The students actually purposely stayed over an hour past time just to experience more.  Here students went head to head...literally. Almost all the student

Upcycling and Kunsthaus

Students learned how to create faux leather bags from the inner tubes of truck tires- cutting, sewing and riveting was involved- fun was had and a LOT of new vocabulary was learned! We've dubbed Josie with "The Face" for all pictures. She's always bubbly. Makayla's grin shows how much she enjoyed this activity.  I'm pretty sure all the kids enjoyed using this tool. New skills! Templates and concentration was needed to construct their items.  The kids really seemed to enjoy this interaction.  The Kunsthaus was a pretty cool looking building. The refer to it as "the friendly alien." It was even neater from the inside.  The art displayed was on the topic of labor and work. As an adult it was useful to reflect on the hours we spend not only on the stuff we get paid to do but the labor of living. It made for an unusual topic for most students who haven't worked a 40 hour or week job.   

Flute Test, Disc Golf and Vienna

  Friday morning we awoke to another gorgeous day. We were offered the opportunity to go and observe a end of high school test for a guest family's daughter. We took off on the impromptu outing very early. We were welcomed by the host mother. She was very excited to see us all come.  The music was beautiful and the kids enjoyed listening to the flute and piano accompaniment.  Then we came back to class and worked. The teachers here are slave drivers and expect them to work, work,! Finally it was time to do something fun! The group met with local students and played some disc golf. It was a new topic for most of the Austrian students, so many had a good time learning new techniques. Laughter was had by all.  After Disc Golf several Austrian students wanted to talk more with the students and so we sat a bit while they chatted. Saturday came bright and early and we met to get on the bus to Vienna. We were treated to a walking tour of Vienna were we learned many, many things

Wed & Thu

  Here's an excellent way to introduce Schloss Eggenberg. Many peacocks roam freely about the estate.  This picture made me laugh a little too much. These faces remind me of when the family gets together and then everyone wants a picture so some kids come reluctantly and others are enthused. Still others protest... While waiting for the tour to begin after Google maps lied and we walked all the way around the Schloss (castle).  I'm leaving this here for the kids to explain to you when they get home. Several read it and I think it will be a neat way to ask them questions.  Here we approach the castle.  We had plans to be there for a tour at 3. With the long walk, we still had some time so many students stopped for pictures of the all the beauty inside the grounds.  On our way, Elena and Josie listen to music together on the Straßenbahn. The kids are getting along so well together.  Wednesday was a usual school day with a free time being used to work on the Abschiedsprogramm (goo