Games and Weapons


Ludovico was a huge hit with the students. Everyone enjoyed LOOKING at the thousands of board games available. More fun was had playing several different games. 
Sebastian did a wonderful job find several quick start games for us to play. He also took the time to engage with the students when the questions came. Giles and Acy speak with Sebastian. 

Elena and Makayla discuss games here. 

Here you'll Josie having a bit of angst over the building in this game. 
Lucky Lachs produced a lot of laughter for Elena, Makayla, Acy, and Giles.

 Today we took a tour of the Styrian Armory. I think we all felt it was the safest yet scariest place.  

The amount of weapons is beyond comprehension. There are over 32,000 objects. Here Josie observes the mortars. 

Here are Greta, Kaylee, Charles (though hidden), and Jakob walk through the aisles of armor. 
The amount of small arms, doppelhaken (wall guns), swords, and various weapons is immense. 
Here Jakob, Charles, and Nikole are discussing how they will take over the world. Lol! Truly a discussion on the age and intricacies in the stock of weapons.
No one wanted to try on the armor. I tried, but the students are very well behaved and will not break the rules. 😆
Here Jakob and Charles discuss which 2 handed sword would be best. We all learned that the swords can be etched with acid to show rank. 
All of students enjoyed perusing the Armory. 

Next week, we go swimming and on a tour. Look for the next update Tuesday. Please leave general questions as the students love knowing about the interactions with the blog. 


  1. Hi! So which kind of weapon would the students like to display in their home after seeing all the choices?

    1. Most want a sword to display. Some want a shield. No one wanted a full of armor.

    2. I mean a sword and a shield would look pretty amazing hanging on the wall together! It is interesting that no one was feeling the whole suit of armor though.


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